12 years Spiron®-femoral neck prosthesis

Happy Birthday Spiron! We celebrate 12 years Spiron ® short stem!


Development phase 1998/99

After extensive scientific analysis of hip systems and their results, the development team conceptualized at the beginning of 1998/99 the Spiron short stem.

The concept was not novel, but a major step forward for older predecessor designs.

Scientific background

To make hip biological, pronounced “bone-saving”, already in the 1970s, the Thrust plate prosthesis was developed.
A type of hip-prosthesis which is anchored only in the femoral neck and the femoral medullary canal area should leave – in contrast to conventional prosthetic stems. The idea of the femoral neck prosthesis is actually much older and was already in the 1940s, including realized by the brothers Judet with a Plexiglashemiprosthesis, but because of material incompatibility in the bone it left quickly.

However, the Thrust plate prosthesis showed a cementless “Ultrashort-prosthesis” conceptual deficits, especially to the too small prosthetic surface for bony healing and resulted that the prosthesis after 20 years of clinical use disappeared from the scene.


The Spiron-prosthesis, which is based on an idea by Dr. Björn Birkenhauer uses, as screwed hip prosthesis the thread as surface enlargement and a press-fit taper for clamping. It offers it to the bone so a maximum of large area for bone healing in a small space. It must therefore be understood as a development of Thrust plate prosthesis and rang it were, a second renaissance of femoral neck prostheses. Since its development in 1999 (first implantation 2001) had on well-functioning prosthesis design will not change anything, what the concept of prosthetic graft and impressively confirmed in the meantime can be demonstrated in well-documented 12-year results.

Spiron today – 12 years short hip stem

Bone-saving short stems spread more and more. The Spiron is playing a prominent position: It will save more bone than in many other models, and with 12 years Spiron already belongs to the short-stem prostheses with long-term experience.

The hip joint replacement is now regarded as the most successful operation of orthopedics. However, the patients are operated in more recent years, making prostheses models need to be used bone-saving. By now, there are more than 20 different models and short-stem hip prostheses worldwide.

The Spiron was used in the early years, only in a few centers. Attempts were also made in the laboratory with dog bones. The worldwide intensive marketing began about 2008, today is the prosthesis in numerous hospitals in Germany and internationally used in 8 countries.