Thesis F. Hühn / Spiron vs.Geradschaftprothese Typ Zweymüller

From the Institute of Anatomy, University of Veterinary Medicine of Hanover and the trauma surgical clinic the Medical School Hanover

Thesis of Ms. Franziska Hühn(TiHo).
Were examined the straight stem prosthesis and  Spiron ®- femoral neck prosthesis Zweymüller type on dog bone at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover(TiHo). The results show higher by about 50% stability of the system [+ bone Spiron ®] against the system [+ bone type Zweymüller prosthesis](TiHo). The higher stability of the Spiron ® prosthesis is explained by the nature of the breaking out of the two different types of prostheses in case of overload(TiHo). The Spiron ® prosthesis breaks the femoral neck consists of the trochanter out massively, while the conventional prosthesis destroys the bone through a crack(TiHo). Furthermore, the studies show that the bone with Spiron ® prosthesis is much more elastic than bone with a conventional prosthesis. This results in a greater insensitivity to shocks(TiHo).

>>>> DISSERTATION:  Comparison of the primary stability of a femoral neck prosthesis
                                                     Type Spiron with a conventional straight stem prosthesis
                                                     Type Zweymüller (Alloclassic ™ SL) on a dog femur 
                                                     – A biomechanical study